CarbonArmor Sturdies Wall in Fayette, IA
A homeowner in Fayette, IA, realized it was time to do their annual inspection. Since they have done several inspections in the past, the homeowner called our Service team and set their appointment. We sent one of our Service Technicians, Alex, to inspect the installed products. During his inspection, Alex saw that all the products were working well, but found that the north wall was cracking. Alex noted the wall was showing early signs of failure and needed to be stabilized.
Next, Alex discussed his findings and proposed a solution for the homeowners. The homeowner knew this was the best option for them, so they decided to go ahead with Alex's recommendations. As soon as the homeowner approved the plans, Alex passed them to the office for finalization. Once finalized, they were sent to our crew to start the project. Our Foreman, Raul, and his crew traveled to the home to start the project. First, Raul and his crew prepared the walls for the CarbonArmor installation CarbonArmor permanently stabilizes foundation walls with fiber-reinforced polymers. The crew installed five CarbonArmor strips along the north foundation wall. Once the CarbonArmor was installed, the crew could clean up their materials and leave the home. The homeowner was in awe of the excellent work completed by the crew. If you notice your home is suffering from cracked walls, sign up for your FREE estimate today!
Project Summary
Service Technician: Alex Whitney
Foreman: Raul Barroso
Products Installed: Carbon Armor