Proudly servicing Minnesota, North Dakota, Western Wisconsin, and Northeast Iowa - including Rochester, La Crosse, Minneapolis, Mankato, Fargo, and Mason City
Job review from Dennis in Valley City, ND 58072 on 11/06/24
Overall Rating:
4.2 out of 5
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The Cleanup Process
I was warned that there might be some dust around the windows and that the crew would do their best to clean up, but that they weren't professional cleaners. I accepted that. However I was not expecting every inch of my basement to be covered in dust, and to have to. Lose off the basement and open windows because the loud of dust was making it's way I to the upstairs. Perhaps some plastic sheeting around the installations or other methods to suppress dust and limit the mess would be in order. It will take a very long time for me to get my basement cleaned up.