Proudly servicing Minnesota, North Dakota, Western Wisconsin, and Northeast Iowa - including Rochester, La Crosse, Minneapolis, Mankato, Fargo, and Mason City
Job review from Luke in Worthington, MN 56187 on 11/19/24
Overall Rating:
4.2 out of 5
Our Overall Service
The team who showed up were very good, installed the product very well from what I could observe and answered all of my questions about how the system works. The electrician wasn't able to make it that day and may be another week before he is able to get power to the unit. I was hopeful that having American Waterworks line up everything that it would all be dome the same day and operating, but I will have to wait another week to see if the system will start to lower the radon levels.
Call Representative
They kept me up-to-date with when the crew was expected to arrive and were very polite.
Sales Process
Very polite and thorough during the inspection and explaining the work that would be done.
Our Installation Crew
They were polite and got the work done. They were a backup crew as the planned crew had jury duty. They completed the work quickly and it appears well done.
The Cleanup Process
They did not leave any mess behind.
What type of work did you have done:
Radon Mitigation
What made you choose our company:
I felt as if it would be a hands-off approach for me and that I wouldn't have to worry about lining anything up myself.
Great! Would recommend your company!