Prior to Waterproofing
Wayne's old sump pump was not able to keep up with the amount of water seeping into his basement and he did not have a drainage system in place yet.
WaterGuard and Lateral Line Installation
Our crew has removed the concrete around the perimeter as well as a line through the middle of the floor. The line through the middle of the floor is called the lateral line. This tubing provides an extra line for the water to flow through, so the sump pump doesn't get backed up in a situation where a lot of water is entering the basement.
Discharge Line Installation
The crew has installed the discharge line and now they will replace the soil to finish the project. Our team knows how important our homeowner's properties are, so they take great care when removing and replacing the soil.
After Waterproofing System Installation
They have finished installing the drainage system and the sump pump- which are both backed by a lifetime warranty, so Wayne never has to worry about water in his basement again!