Before & After

Damaged Foundation Stabilized in River Falls, WI

Jonathan P. in River Falls, WI had bowing walls in his basement. He was concerned about the pressure this was putting on his foundation, and he wanted to have his walls repaired before the problem got any worse.He started looking into foundation repair options and he came across the American Waterworks website. He contacted us for a FREE estimate, so we sent a Design Specialist to his home to inspect his foundation and provide him with a solution. We recommended installing PowerBraces along the shifting foundation to halt any further movement and start to move the foundation back into place. Jonathan felt that our plan was the most efficient, durable, and cost-effective option, so he chose to move forward with the installation.

Our production team started the installation by securing brackets into the floor as well as the rim joists. Then, they installed the PowerBraces into the brackets and tightened them as far as they could go. PowerBraces do not require outside excavation so it is less invasive than other foundation repair options. The installation took a day to complete, but now Jonathan’s foundation is permanently restored, and he no longer is concerned about the stability of his walls. 

Interested in learning more about foundation repair? Click here!

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We serve the following areas

IowaWisconsinMinnesota Our Locations:

American Waterworks
1307 Valleyhigh Dr NW
Rochester, MN 55901

American Waterworks
4119 14th Ave N
Fargo, ND 58102

American Waterworks
19960 Saint Francis Blvd,
Nowthen, MN 55303
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