Foundation Repaired in Blaine, MN
A foundation problem may get much worse over time, causing severe damage to the home. Some symptoms to look out for when it comes to foundation failure are uneven floors, inward bowing walls, sagging floors, sticking doors and windows, and exterior/interior wall cracks.
Our Service Technician, Joe, was out at Rich N.'s house for annual maintenance on his Wall Anchor System. After a complete and successful appointment, Joe noticed that there was a gap between Rich's concrete floor and the foundation wall. Joe proposed our Reverse Wall Anchor System, which is similar to our regular Wall Anchor System but the system is installed from the inside-out, rather than the outside-in. After a thorough rundown on the reverse style of our wall anchors, Rich felt confident in the system and its warranty, so he signed Joe's proposal and got a date scheduled for the installation.
Our Foreman, Raul, and his production crew began the project by jackhammering out four rectangles in the garage concrete floor. Next, they removed all the debris underneath the concrete until it was deep enough to insert a long, metal rod from the outside of the foundation wall to each hole in the garage. Next, our team installed an anchor plate interiorly, which anchored the rod in place. Then, Raul and his crew inserted an anchor plate to the rod exteriorly, which pulled the foundation wall back to its original position. Raul and his team installed four of them, making a dramatic transformation in the wall gap. Our Wall Anchor System is specifically designed to straighten foundation walls without the cost or construction of foundation replacement. To complete the project, our team backfilled each hole and compacted the soil, ensuring the garage was neat and clean to perfection. Rich was very happy with the project and his peace of mind was restored!
At American Waterworks, we provide services in foundation repair, basement waterproofing, crawl space repair/encapsulation, radon testing/mitigation, and concrete repair/lifting. Call us today or click HERE to request your FREE, no-obligation estimate!
Project Summary
Contractor: American Waterworks
Service: Foundation Repair
Product Installed: Wall Anchor System
Foreman: Raul Barroso
Design Specialist: Mac Cole