GeoLocks Straighten Basement Wall in Marshall, MN
In the Marshall, MN area, a homeowner was distressed when he noticed his basement wall tilting inwards. Unsure of how to fix this, he knew that he needed an expert to find a solution. He had heard about our services through friends and knew that we would do the job correctly and efficiently. He gave us a call to claim his FREE estimate and we scheduled a time for our Design Specialist to look at the problem.
Our Design Specialist, Dylan W. arrived at the home and informed the homeowner that his wall was tilting inward because of the moisture content in the soil, causing it to expand, exerting more pressure than the wall can withstand. Dylan recommended our GeoLock anchors, a wall anchor system that is designed to permanently stabilize your home by counteracting the pressure on the wall by anchoring it to the hard-packed undisturbed soil beyond the foundation of the home. The homeowner agreed and Dylan's design was sent to our Foreman, Arturo M.
Arturo and his crew arrived at the home and installed 5 GeoLock anchors. The anchors are installed by digging a section of the ground several feet away from the foundation. The first GeoLock anchor is placed, and another anchor is attached to the interior wall. Both anchors are connected through a small steel pole that runs between the soil. Once all of the GeoLock anchors are installed, the soil is placed back over the holes. The homeowner also requested our Tightening Kit, which will allow the homeowner to straighten his walls over time. The homeowner was extremely satisfied with the work of Arturo and his crew.
If you notice cracks or bowing of your foundation walls click HERE for a free estimate!
Project Summary
Design Specialist: Dylan Woitas
Foreman: Arturo Mares
Product: GeoLock Wall Anchors