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A homeowner in Saint Paul Park, MN, was anxious about the status of their sidewalk. Wanting to avoid concrete replacement, the homeowner searched for a repair option. Unsure of who to work with, the homeowner asked their family and friends for recommendations. Many of their friends and family said to reach out to us, American Waterworks. The homeowner visited our website and investigated our concrete lifting and leveling services. Impressed by our list of services, the homeowner decided to sign up for their FREE estimate. Once the estimate was set, the homeowner prepared for the arrival of Gary, one of our Design Specialists. After Gary arrived, he began inspecting the concrete to find the root of the issue. Gary discovered that the sidewalk and driveway were sinking due to soil settlement. To stop the concrete from sinking further, Gary recommended the sidewalk and driveway be lifted and leveled. Knowing this was their best option, the homeowner decided to follow Gary's recommendations and production began. Our Forman, Troy, and his crew traveled to the home to begin concrete lifting and leveling. When the crew arrived, they started by mapping out where the PolyLevel would be injected. Next, the crew inserted the PolyLevel underneath the sidewalk and driveway. Once the PolyLevel was fully inserted, the crew shifted their focus to inserting the NexusPro Joint Sealant in all the sidewalk joints. The crew successfully lifted and leveled the affected area, so they cleaned up their materials and left the home. The homeowner was grateful for the excellent work completed by the crew. American Waterworks is happy to lift and level another home's sidewalk.
A homeowner from Saint Paul Park, MN, had just learned about the dangers of radon gas. While she admittedly knew very little about the gas, that didn't stop her from heading to her local home improvement store to purchase a radon gas test. After conducting the test at home, she was shocked when the levels in her home returned higher than normal. She quickly decided to find a radon specialist in MN. When she found our website, she claimed her FREE estimate, and several weeks later, our Design Specialist, Brad W, was headed out to the home.
When Brad arrived, he got right to work scouting out a place for a radon mitigation system. When he finished his walkthrough, he met with the homeowner. Brad began by saying that the homeowner was right to get in touch with us. Brad explained that radon gas is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that comes from the breakdown of soil surrounding your home's foundation. It enters your home through small cracks and holes in the foundation, and silently wreaks havoc on the lining of the lungs. Brad finished by saying that radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer, claiming 21,000 lives annually. Brad could tell the homeowner was growing uneasy, so he reassured her that we could help. Brad strongly urged the homeowner to install a radon mitigation system. A typical radon mitigation system consists of a large-diameter plastic pipe that connects the air beneath your foundation to the outdoors. An in-line fan sucks radon-rich air from beneath your foundation and expels this hazardous air to the exterior. Instead of entering your basement or other living space area through numerous gaps and cracks in the foundation, radon gas is extracted from beneath your foundation before it can permeate into interior space. The homeowner was thrilled with Brad's solution and signed on the spot.
On the day of the installation, our Foreman, Dakota M, was able to effortlessly place the radon mitigation system. Now, our customer is thrilled to know the air circulating in her home was only the cleanest!
Ms. Thompson contacted to address concerns that her interior foundation was beginning to crumble and water would pour through the cracks in the basement walls when it rained. Jeremy was able to point out that her foundation was bowing significantly and without the proper stabilization, her foundation walls were eventually going to collapse. Jeremy crafted a solution with our GEOLOCK wall anchor and WaterGuard basement waterproofing systems. Combined, these two patented solutions will prevent any further water damage and permanently stabilize and straighten the foundation walls of her Waseca, MN home.
The Stewarts upgraded their basement to include a RockWell egress window. They can now enjoy a more attractive window alternative that is code-compliant and backed by a 5 year warranty.
A homeowner in Waseca, MN, had water leaking into his basement and cracks forming along the walls which concerned him about the potential damage to his home. He quickly began searching for services in the area and came upon American Waterworks through our website. After browsing our Before and After photos of Waterproofing Basements and Foundation Repair, he contacted us to claim his FREE estimate and scheduled a date with one of our experts.
Our Design Specialist, Lance S., arrived at the home and conducted a thorough inspection of the basement. He explained that one of the causes of a wet basement is the "clay bowl" effect. When excavated soil is replaced around a completed foundation, it isn't as dense and tightly packed as undisturbed soil further away. As a result, when it rains, water collects in the soil, putting pressure on foundation walls and causing it to crack. Water then forces itself through the cracks into the basement. To address this issue, Lance recommended our GeoLock anchors, CarbonArmor, WaterGuard, TripleSafe Sump Pump, IceGuard, and CleanSpace. The homeowner was happy to proceed, and Lance's design was sent to our Foreman, Diego B.
Our Foreman, Jesus C., and Diego B., and their crew arrived at the home on separate days for the installations. To waterproof the basement, the crew installed 127 feet of WaterGuard. These are placed around the perimeter of the basement by hammering into the floor. Next, rocks are placed in the holes, and the WaterGuard is positioned on the top, connecting to the sump pump. Once set, the concrete is poured back on top of the installation. The TripleSafe sump pump provides three levels of protection for your basement. One pump is installed at the lowest level, capable of discharging 2,200 gallons of water per hour. The second pump is installed a little bit higher to act as a backup if the primary pump fails or is overwhelmed with heavy water. The third pump is installed at the highest level in case of power outages. Additionally, two IceGuards were installed outside the home to eject water away from the foundation. Our IceGuards are designed not to freeze during cold temperatures, unlike traditional discharge lines. The crew also installed CleanSpace, a plastic wall vapor barrier, on the walls to prevent mold growth. In total, they installed a total of 127 feet of CleanSpace. For foundation repair, the crew installed 18 GeoLock wall anchors. The anchors are installed by digging a hole in undisturbed soil several feet away from the foundation. The first GeoLock anchor is placed inside and attached to the interior wall, with both anchors connected by a small steel pole. The GeoLocks permanently stabilize the foundation walls and can be adjusted to straighten the walls over time. Finally, 7 CarbonArmors were installed on the remaining walls. The installation process involves cleaning the walls, applying epoxy, and securing the CarbonArmor straps on top. After everything was installed, the crew cleaned up their equipment and left the home, leaving the homeowner with peace of mind.
Now, our customer no longer has to worry about his basement! Are you experiencing similar issues? Click HERE to claim your FREE estimate!
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