Before & After

American Waterworks Before & After Photos

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Foundation Walls Stabilized by Wall Anchors in Ghent, MN

John P. of Ghent, MN had cracked foundation walls in his basement so he went to the Marshall Home Show to see if he could come across any foundation repair contractors. He saw American Waterworks and chatted briefly with our Design Specialist, Tom Ringeisen, about a FREE Estimate. Tom went to his home to inspect the problem and come up with a solution. After a thorough examination, John was comfortable with the design so he scheduled an installation date. 

Our Foreman, Rene Hernandez, and his production crew installed 10 of our GeoLock Wall Anchors from the exterior soil to the interior foundation walls to stabilize and straighten the walls. John was ecstatic with the work and no longer has to worry about the life and stability of his home! 

Interest in how GeoLock Wall Anchors work? Click HERE for a rundown!

Cracked Foundation Walls Repaired in Ghent, MN

A homeowner in Ghent, MN had cracked foundation walls, causing an issue with the stability and value of their home. They scheduled a FREE Estimate with our Design Specialist. After a thorough inspection, the homeowner was confident with the proposal, so they went ahead and scheduled an installation date. 

Our Foreman and his production team began the project by digging 10 holes outside of the home. Our crew inserted a long, medal rod through the foundation wall to the exterior soil and installed a GeoLock Wall Anchor on the ends of each rod to straighten and stabilize the walls back into their normal positions. To complete the project, our crew back filled the holes and replaced the soil. 

Are you in need of foundation repair? We can help you - Click HERE to learn more about our GeoLock Wall Anchors!

Radon Mitigation in Lynd, MN

Cassidy B. in Lynd, MN  had her home tested for radon. When the results came back high, she started doing some research. She was happy to learn that American Waterworks can easily give an estimate and install a radon mitigation system. We sent one of our Design Specialists, Reed Hudson, to meet with Cassidy, inspect her home, and design a customized system. 

Our Foreman, Dakota Merchlewitz, started the installation process by drilling a hole in the slab foundation of the home and connected a PVC pipe. The radon gas is drawn upward and the pipe guides it to the fan. The fan draws and vents radon safely above and away from the home. Cassidy was impressed with the quick installation and is glad she took the necessary steps to protect her family. 

Cabin Foundation Stabilized in Browerville, MN

A homeowner in Browerville, MN, was enjoying their cabin in late summer when they noticed cracks developing along in their crawl space. Wanting to solve the issue before winterizing their cabin, the homeowner searched for a company to provide a solution. The homeowners saw American Waterworks' FREE estimate and contacted us to come out and take a look. Our Design Specialist, Shane, drove to the lake-side property and surveyed the cabin. Shane discovered the crawl space had settled and the walls would need to be stabilized. After discovering the issue, Shane recommended that Helical Piers and PowerBraces would need to be installed and the homeowners agreed.  Our foreman, Jesus, and his crew began by installing the Helical Piers outside the home. Then, the crew placed the PowerBraces along the crawlspace wall. The homeowners were left relieved knowing their beloved cabin was stabilized and could be enjoyed in future summers. 

Cracked Foundation Wall Restored with Wall Anchors in Hardwick, MN

Gordon H. in Hardwick, MN had cracks in two of his basement walls. He didn't think much of the cracks at first, but over time, the walls started bowing inward. Gordon knew how expensive replacing a foundation can be, so he started looking for a foundation repair contractor. While doing research online, he was directed to American Waterworks and he was pleased to see that we are foundation repair experts.

He contacted us to receive a FREE onsite estimate, so we sent our Design Specialist, Eric Hazelton, to his home to find a solution for him.

Eric recommended that we install 11 wall anchors along the two cracked walls in order to permanently secure the foundation. Gordon like Eric's proposal and felt it was a good fit for him, so we went ahead with the installation. 

Our team dug holes outside of the home where the rods would be anchored to the soil. Next, they drilled the rods through the basement walls into the soil and then locked them in with the anchors from the inside and the outside. The anchor is then tightened, and the wall straightens. The anchor system ensures that Gordon's walls are now permanently secured and stabilized. Our anchor system is backed by a lifetime warranty, so Gordon has peace of mind that it will never be a concern again.

Do you have cracked foundation walls? Click here to receive a FREE estimate!

our service area

We serve the following areas

IowaWisconsinMinnesota Our Locations:

American Waterworks
1307 Valleyhigh Dr NW
Rochester, MN 55901

American Waterworks
4119 14th Ave N
Fargo, ND 58102

American Waterworks
19960 Saint Francis Blvd,
Nowthen, MN 55303
Service Area
Free Estimate